cypherrs wrote in scifi20in20 Sep 19, 2012 18:08
claim: merlin, claim: firefly, claim: legend of the seeker, claim: sucker punch, claim: pushing daisies, claim: buffy the vampire slayer, claim: game of thrones, claim: the sarah connor chronicles, round: thirty, participant: cypherrs, claim: heroes, entries: round thirty
ligeres wrote in scifi20in20 Sep 07, 2012 15:47
claim: firefly, claim: thor, claim: the avengers, claim: doctor who, claim: buffy the vampire slayer, claim: game of thrones, participant: ligeres, claim: battlestar galactica, round: thirty, entries: round thirty
amazingchi wrote in scifi20in20 Sep 05, 2012 00:09
claim: firefly, claim: thor, claim: the avengers, claim: star trek, claim: doctor who, round: thirty, participant: amazingchi, claim: x-men, entries: round thirty
jadeleopard wrote in scifi20in20 May 27, 2012 17:27
round: twenty-six, claim: firefly, participant: jadeleopard, entries: round twenty-six
beautifulntime wrote in scifi20in20 Jul 21, 2011 21:14
round: seventeen, claim: dollhouse, claim: firefly, entries: round seventeen, participant: beautifulntime, claim: buffy the vampire slayer
paleogymnast wrote in scifi20in20 Jul 20, 2011 23:16
round: seventeen, claim: firefly, participant: paleogymnast, entries: round seventeen
mergana wrote in scifi20in20 Jul 07, 2011 12:43
round: seventeen, claim: firefly, participant: mergana, entries: round seventeen
beautifulntime wrote in scifi20in20 Jun 20, 2011 12:55
claim: firefly, round: sixteen, entries: round sixteen, participant: beautifulntime
paleogymnast wrote in scifi20in20 Jun 20, 2011 00:01
claim: firefly, round: sixteen, participant: paleogymnast, entries: round sixteen
onlineminiboss wrote in scifi20in20 Mar 15, 2011 22:37
entries: round thirteen, claim: firefly, round: thirteen, participant: onlineminiboss